Fire safety
NDCN is a widely spread department, occupying space on the John Radcliffe Hospital (JRH) campus, but also with staff and students hosted in University premises. Local arrangements for fire safety will be highlighted during the new starters' induction in each area.
If you discover a fire
- Operate the nearest Fire Alarm Call Point
- Evacuate by the nearest exit, closing all internal doors behind you
- Report to the Assembly Point
- Report to either the Fire Marshals or Security Services.
On hearing the alarm
- Evacuate by the nearest exit, closing all internal doors behind you
- DO NOT re-enter the building until told to do so by either a Fire Marshal, Departmental Administrator or University Security Services
- Report to the Assembly Point
- Report any problems to either the Fire Marshals or Security Services.
If you have any queries please contact NDCN Fire Officer or the Department Safety Officer.