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BACKGROUND: Pentosan polysulfate-related maculopathy is a recently described clinical entity, related to dose and long term use of this medication, and may progress despite drug cessation. Cystoid macular oedema (CMO) has been reported in some cases, but there are few reports of treatment outcomes in the literature. AIMS: We present the case of a 55 year old female, with CMO secondary to pentosan polysulfate maculopathy, that was responsive to treatment with both intravitreal anti-VEGF and steroid injections, stabilising vision over a four year follow up period. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report, to our knowledge, of CMO related to pentosan polysulfate maculopathy responding to intravitreal steroid injections, broadening the therapeutic options for preserving vision in these patients.

Original publication




Journal article


Eur J Ophthalmol

Publication Date



anti-VEGF, cystoid macular oedema, intravitreal steroid, maculopathy, pentosan polysulfate