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One of the major virulence factors of SARS-CoV-2, NSP1, is a vital drug target due to its role in host immune evasion through multiple pathways. NSP1 protein is associated with inhibiting host mRNA translation by binding to the small subunit of ribosome through its C-terminal region. Previously, we have shown the structural dynamics of the NSP1 C-terminal region (NSP1-CTR) in different physiological environments. So, it would be very interesting to investigate the druggable compounds that could bind with NSP1-CTR. Here, in this article, we have performed different spectroscopic technique-based binding assays of an anticancer drug mitoxantrone dihydrochloride (MTX) against the NSP1-CTR. We have also performed molecular dynamics simulations of the docked complex with two different force fields up to one microsecond. Overall, our results have suggested good binding between NSP1-CTR and MTX and may have implications in developing therapeutic strategies targeting the NSP1 protein of SARS-CoV-2.

Original publication




Journal article



Publication Date





5648 - 5655