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Peter Scanlon


Associate Professor

  • Tutor and Senior Research Fellow, Harris Manchester College

Prof. Peter Scanlon has been Clinical Director for the English NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme since 2003, and he has, with the support and co-operation of colleagues, moved screening from limited ad hoc delivery of services to systematic quality assured processes for screening, assessment and treatment across all of England to 2.3 million people with diabetes. Dr Scanlon also holds an appointment as a Senior Research Fellow and Medical Tutor at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, and as Visiting Professor at the University of Gloucestershire. Dr Scanlon is Lead Author of the textbook ‘Practical Manual of Diabetic Retinopathy Management’ and has written the Diabetic Retinopathy Chapter for the Textbook of Diabetes, 4th Edition (both Wiley Blackwell).

His research interests lie in the Screening, Epidemiology, Assessment and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy and he has published extensively in these areas.

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