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Michael Ke Li

MBBS, MMed, PgCertPsych

DPhil Student and Clarendon Scholar

Michael is currently a DPhil student and honorary research fellow at Wolfson CPSD, NDCN. His DPhil work primarily focuses on clinical and imaging predictors of cognitive decline after stroke/TIA under the supervision of Prof Rothwell and Dr Tuna.

Before coming to Oxford, Michael attained his undergraduate medical degree from Peking University, China. He also completed a 3-year residency training in neurology at Peking Union Medical College Hospital and attained his Master of Medicine degree in neurology from Peking Union Medical College/Tsinghua University. Additionally, Michael shows interest in psychology and completed in total 3 years of courses on psychology at School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University, and Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.