Interventional Genetics and Robotics for Retinal Disease (Kapetanovic Lab)
Our group works on vision restoration by interventional genetics and robotics. We focus on developing therapies for inherited retinal degenerations, the leading cause of blindness in the working population, as well as therapies for more common forms of blindness, the age related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal vein occlusions and glaucoma.
Our research focuses on vision restoration by interventional genetics and robotics. We work on developing therapies for inherited retinal degenerations, the leading cause of blindness in the working population, as well as therapies for more common forms of blindness, the age related macular degeneration (AMD), retinal vein occlusions and glaucoma.
DPhil Project - Applications open now
Peptide-mediated delivery of CRISPR-Cas genome editors in the eye.
This project will use cell-penetrating peptides coupled with ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes to deliver CRISPR reagents to treat retinal blindness.
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Jasmina Cehajic-Kapetanovic, Assoc. Prof. Kanmin Xue, Prof. Robert E MacLaren.
Deadline: 3 December 2024
DPhil in Clinical Neurosciences
The DPhil in Clinical Neurosciences offers excellent opportunities for high quality research training, for both clinical and non-clinical graduates, in wide-ranging leading areas of clinical neuroscience.