Founded in 2012 by Arjune Sen, Masud Husain, Karri Lämsä and Angela Vincent
Galvanises research into epilepsy across OUH NHS Trust, Oxford Health and University of Oxford
We are a forward-looking dynamic group interested in all aspects of clinical and experimental epileptology with an emphasis on clinically relevant research. The Group draws together all relevant disciplines across Oxford University Hospitals and the University of Oxford.
Epilepsy represents far more than seizures alone; it commonly associates with cognitive, psychological and psychosocial difficulties. To advance care for people with epilepsy, each person must be viewed as an individual and holistically. We are developing research and clinical pathways to address co-morbidities associated with epilepsy, as well as aiming to improve our understanding of why seizures occur. Our role is to always try and enable people with epilepsy to achieve their full potential. By increasing our understanding of the processes that underlie a patient’s symptoms we will be able to better deliver on that ambition.
The Oxford Epilepsy Research Group capitalises on the clinical expertise available at the John Radcliffe Hospital and the wider basic scientific research performed within University of Oxford. We believe in an open, transparent and collaborative approach and all our research is pursued with the aim of delivering better patient care.
There are particular strengths in antibody-mediated epilepsy and novel/ ultra-high-field imaging in epilepsy. We have strong links with genomic research into epilepsy and are developing many research projects to better evaluate co-morbidity in epilepsy, an area of epileptology that is often rather overlooked.
Christian Bien, Head of Epilepsy at Krankenhaus Mara, Bethel, Germany
Rüdiger Köhling, Director of the Oscar Langendorff Institute, Rostock, Germany
Mark Richardson, Chair of Epileptology, Kings College London
Ernest Somerville, Head of Comprehensive Epilepsy Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney
Matthew Walker, Head of Department of Clinical and Experimental Epilepsy, University College London
PIs in other departments
Marco Capogna (Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit)
Usha Kini (Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics)
Karri Lämsä (Department of Pharmacology)
Michael Sharpe (Department of Psychiatry)
Peter Somogyi (Anatomical Neuropharmacology Unit)
Jenny Taylor (Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics)