Refereed Abstracts
T.A. Carpenter, N.J. Clayden, L.D. Hall, P. Jackson, P. Jezzard, N.J. Walton and C.J. Wiggins, "Imaging Chemistry in Action", 31st Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Conference (ENC), Asilomar, 1st-5th April (1990)
P. Jackson, N.J. Clayden, T.A. Carpenter, L.D. Hall and P. Jezzard, "Variable Temperature Materials Imaging", European Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Conference (EENC), Amsterdam, 28th May-1st June (1990)
P. Jackson, P. Jezzard, N.J. Clayden, N.J. Walton, T.A. Carpenter, L.D. Hall and C. Wiggins, "NMR Imaging Studies of the Polymerisation of Methyl Methacrylate", European Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Conference (EENC), Amsterdam, 28th May-1st June (1990)
R. Turner, D. LeBihan, P. Jezzard and J.L. Taylor, "Time Course Imaging of Blood Deoxygenation in Cat Brain",Radiology, 182, 611 (1992)
D. LeBihan, P. Jezzard, T. Zeffiro and R. Turner, "Functional Mapping of Hand Representation in the Human Brain with Echo-Planar Imaging of Blood Oxygenation", Radiology, 185, 198 (1992)
D. LeBihan, R. Turner, P. Jezzard and C.A. Cuenod, "MR Imaging of Brain Perfusion", Radiology, 185, 406 (1992)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard, H. Wen, K. Kwong, D. LeBihan and R. Balaban, "Functional Mapping of the Human Visual Cortex at 4 Tesla using Deoxygenation Contrast EPI", Abstracts of the 11th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, 1, 304 (1992)
S. Posse, H. Wen, R. Turner, P. Jezzard, S. Chesnick, F. Heineman and R. Balaban, "Magnetic Field Mapping in Human Heart and Brain on a 4 Tesla Whole Body Scanner", Abstracts of the 11th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, 1, 365 (1992)
P. Jezzard, R. Turner, H. Wen, S. Chesnick and R. Balaban, "Gradient Echo Imaging of the Human Head at 4 Tesla", Abstracts of the 11th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, 1, 803 (1992)
P. Jezzard, F. Heineman, J. Taylor, D. Despres, H. Wen and R. Turner, "Comparison of EPI Gradient-Echo Contrast Changes in Cat Brain Caused by Respiratory Challenges with Direct Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Evaluation of Cerebral Oxygenation Via a Cranial Window", Abstracts of the 11th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, 1, 918 (1992)
D. LeBihan, R. Turner, P. Jezzard, C.A. Cuenod and T. Zeffiro, "Activation of Human Visual Cortex by Mental Representation of Visual Patterns", Abstracts of the 11th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, Works in Progress, 311 (1992)
D. LeBihan, P. Jezzard, R. Turner, C.A. Cuenod, L. Pannier and A. Prinster, "Practical Problems and Limitations in Using Z-Maps for Processing of Brain Function MR Images", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 1, 11 (1993)
L. Rueckert, I. Appollonio, J. Grafman, P. Jezzard, R. Johnson Jr, D. LeBihan and R. Turner, "Functional Activation of Left Frontal Cortex During Covert Word Production", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 1, 60 (1993)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard, D. LeBihan and A. Prinster "Contrast Mechanisms and Vessel Size Effects in BOLD Contrast Functional Neuroimaging", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York,1, 173 (1993)
P. Jezzard, D. LeBihan, C. Cuenod, L. Pannier, A, Prinster and R. Turner, "An Investigation of the Contribution of Physiological Noise in Human Functional MRI Studies at 1.5 Tesla and 4 Tesla", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 3, 1392 (1993)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard, D. LeBihan, A. Prinster, L. Pannier and T. Zeffiro, "BOLD Contrast Imaging of Cortical Regions Used in Processing Auditory Stimuli", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 3, 1411 (1993)
C.A. Cuenod, S. Bookheimer, L. Pannier, S. Posse, V. Bonnerot, R. Turner, P. Jezzard, J.A. Frank, T. Zeffiro and D. LeBihan, "Functional Imaging During Word Generation Using a Conventional MRI Scanner", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 3, 1414 (1993)
J.B. Fieldman, L.G. Cohen, P. Jezzard, T. Pons, N. Sadato, R. Turner, D. LeBihan and M. Hallett, "Functional Neuroimaging with Echo-Planar Imaging in Humans During Execution and Mental Rehersal of a Simple Motor Task", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 3, 1416 (1993)
C.A. Cuenod, T. Zeffiro, L. Pannier, S. Posse, V. Bonnerot, P. Jezzard, R. Turner, J.A. Frank and D. LeBihan, "Functional Imaging of the Human Cerebellum During Finger Movement with a Conventional 1.5 Tesla MRI Scanner", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 3, 1421 (1993)
L. Hertz-Pannier, C.A. Cuenod, P. Jezzard, R. Turner, A. Prinster and D. LeBihan, "Comparison Between Echo Planar Imaging and a Conventional Gradient Echo Sequence (SPGR) in Brain Functional Imaging", Abstracts of the 12th Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, New York, 3, 1429 (1993)
I. Appollonio, L. Rueckert, A. Partiot, J. Grafman, P. Jezzard, I. Litvan, R. Johnson, Jr. and R. Turner, "Magnetic Resonance Functional Neuroimaging (MRFN) During Covert Letter Fluency and Automatic Speech", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19(Pt 1), 843 (1993)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard, D. LeBihan and A. Prinster, "Spurious Effects of Draining Veins in Magnetic Resonance Functional Neuroimaging (MRFN)", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19(Pt 2), 1494 (1993)
J.B. Fieldman, L.G. Cohen, P. Jezzard, T. Pons, N. Sadato, D. LeBihan, R. Turner and M. Hallett, "Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) of Functional Reorganization in Human Sensorimotor Cortex After Transient Ischaemic Deafferentation of the Forearm", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19(Pt 2), 1496 (1993)
A. Karni, L.G. Ungerleider, J. Haxby, P. Jezzard, L. Pannier, C.A. Cuenod, R. Turner and D. LeBihan, "Stimulus Dependent MRI Signals Evoked by Oriented Line-Element Textures in Human Visual Cortex", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19(Pt 2), 1501 (1993)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard and K.J. Friston, "Magnetic Resonance Functional Imaging of the Brain at 4 Tesla", Abstracts of the 1st Nottingham Symposium on Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nottingham, 6th-8th April p.1 (1994)
J. Pekar, P. Jezzard, D.A. Roberts, J.A. Detre, J.S. Leigh Jr., J.A. Frank and A.C. McLaughlin, "Perfusion Imaging with MTC Offset Compensation", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 1, 281 (1994)
A. Partiot, L. Rueckert, I.M. Appollonio, I. Litvan, R. Turner, P. Jezzard, A. Prinster and J. Grafman, "Vizualizing Frontal Cortex with 4 Tesla f-MRI During Word Fluency Tasks", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 1, 328 (1994)
P. Jezzard, A. Karni, G. Meyer, M. Adams, A. Prinster, L. Ungerleider and R. Turner, "Practice Makes Perfect: A Functional MRI Study of Long Term Motor Cortex Plasticity", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 1, 330 (1994)
A. Prinster, C. Pierpaoli, P. Jezzard and R. Turner, "Simultaneous Measurement of DR2 and DR2* in Cat Brain During Hypoxia and Hypercapnia", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 1, 439 (1994)
T.W. Kjaer, J.A. Hertz, P. Jezzard, T.P. Pons and B.J. Richmond "Decoding Multi-Class Functional MR Brain Data", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 2, 638 (1994)
P. Jezzard and S.R. Goldstein, "A Head Positioning Device for Use in Functional MRI Studies", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 2, 648 (1994)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard, A. Prinster, A. Lalwani, J. Rauschecker, A. Karni, D. Corina, D. Bavelier and H. Neville, "Cortical Regions Involved in Processing Written English and American Sign Language by Hearing and Deaf Subjects: A Functional MRI Study at 4 Tesla", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 2, 683 (1994)
G.F. Eden, J.M. Maisog, P. Jezzard, J.W. van Meter, P. Herscovitch, J. Giedd, J.L. Rapoport and T.A. Zeffiro, "A Comparison of PET and MRFN in the Neuroanatomical Localization of Visual Processing", Proceedings of the 2nd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, San Francisco, 2, 691 (1994)
N. Lange, L. Rueckert, P. Jezzard, A. Partiot and J. Grafman, "Magnetic Resonance Functional Neuroimaging Experiments: Where does Natural Variability End and Significant Functional Difference Begin", American Statistical Association abstract, Toronto, #207, p.252 (1994)
H. Neville, D. Corina, D. Bavelier, V.P. Clark, P. Jezzard, A. Prinster, A. Karni, A. Lalwani, J. Rauschecker and R. Turner, "Biological Constraints and Effects of Experience on Cortical Organization for Language: An fMRI Study of Sentence Processing in English and American Sign Language (ASL) by Deaf and Hearing Subjects", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20(Pt 1), 352 (1994)
D. Bavelier, D. Corina, V.P. Clark, A. Dale, P. Jezzard, A. Prinster, A. Karni, A. Lalwani, J. Rauschecker, R. Turner and H. Neville, "Sentence Reading: A 4T fMRI Study of Cortical Regions During an English Reading Task", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20(Pt 1), 352 (1994)
A. Karni, G. Meyer, P. Jezzard, M. Adams, R. Turner and L.G. Ungerleider, "The Acquisition and Retention of a Motor Skill: A Functional MRI Study of Long-Term Motor Cortex Plasticity", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20(Pt 2), 1291 (1994)
T.W. Kjaer, J.A. Hertz, P. Jezzard, T.P. Pons and B.J. Richmond, "Multiple Movements May be Reliably Differentiated Using fMRI, Providing Organizational Perspectives on Brain Function", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 20(Pt 2), 1396 (1994)
S. Düwell, P. Jezzard and R.S. Balaban, "Brain Tissue Relaxation Times at 4T: Techniques and Values", 9th European Congress of Radiology, Vienna, March 5th-10th, 419 (1995)
G.F. Eden, J.W. VanMeter, J.M. Maisog, P. Jezzard, P. Herscovitch, J.L. Rapoport and T.A. Zeffiro, "A Comparison of PET and MRFN Techniques Using a Visual Stimulus", 1st International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Paris, June 1995, Human Brain Mapping, Meeting Supplement, p.39 (1995)
D. Bavelier, D. Corina, V.P. Clark, P. Jezzard, A. Prinster, A. Karni, A. Lalwani, J. Rauschecker, R. Turner and H. Neville, "Sentence Reading: An fMRI Study at 4T", 1st International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Paris, June 1995, Human Brain Mapping, Meeting Supplement, p.239 (1995)
H. Neville, D. Corina, D. Bavelier, V.P. Clark, P. Jezzard, A. Prinster, S. Padmanabhan, A. Braun, J. Rauschecker and R. Turner, "Effects of Early Experience on Cerebral Organization for Language: An fMRI Study of Sentence Processing in English and ASL by Hearing and Deaf Subjects", 1st International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Paris, June 1995, Human Brain Mapping, Meeting Supplement, p.278 (1995)
B.J. Casey, J.D. Cohen, P. Jezzard, R. Turner, D.C. Noll, R. Trainor, J. Geidd, D. Kaysen, L. Hertz-Pannier and J.L. Rapoport, "Activation of Prefrontal Cotrex in Children During a Non-Spatial Working Memory Task with Functional MRI", 1st International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Paris, June 1995, Human Brain Mapping, Meeting Supplement, p.330 (1995)
A. Karni, G. Meyer, P. Jezzard, M. Adams, R. Turner and L.G. Ungerleider, "Fast and Slow Changes in Primary Motor Cortex Associated with Motor Skill Learning: An fMRI Study", 1st International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Paris, June 1995, Human Brain Mapping, Meeting Supplement, p.408 (1995)
C. Pierpaoli, B. Choi, P. Jezzard, P.J. Basser and G. Di Chiro, "Significant Changes in Brain Water Diffusivity Observed under Hyperosmolar Conditions", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 1, 31 (1995)
P. Jezzard and R.S. Balaban, "Correction for Geometric Distortion in Echo Planar Images from B0 Inhomogeneities", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 1, 104 (1995)
S. D�well, P. Jezzard and R.S. Balaban, "The Influence of Relaxation Values on Motion Artifacts in GRASS MRI", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 2, 757 (1995)
J. Pekar, V.S. Mattay, P. Jezzard, A.K.S. Santha, K.A. Tallent, R.H. Sexton, E.C. Wong, J. Ostuni, A.C. McLaughlin, D.R. Weinberger and J.A. Frank, "Whole-Brain Isotropic BOLD fMRI of a Simple Motor Task", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 2, 852 (1995)
J. Pekar, P. Jezzard, J.H. Duyn, J.A. Frank and A.C. McLaughlin, "Echo Planar Perfusion Imaging with MTC Offset Compensation in Normal Volunteers", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 2, 884 (1995)
C. Pierpaoli, P. Jezzard and P.J. Basser, "High-Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Brain", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 2, 899 (1995)
P. Jezzard and C. Pierpaoli, "Diffusion Mapping Using Interleaved Spin Echo and STEAM EPI with Navigator Echo Correction", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 2, 903 (1995)
C.E Kasserra, S.H. Düwell, P. Jezzard and R.S. Balaban, "Evaluation of Methemoglobin as an Autologous Intravascular MRI Contrast Agent", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 2, 1152 (1995)
S. Düwell, S. Wolff, H. Wen, R.S. Balaban and P. Jezzard", "Assessment and Optimization of Contrast in Human Brain Tissue at 4 Tesla Based on Relaxation Value Measurements", Proceedings of the 3rd Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, Nice, France, 2, 1255 (1995)
R.H. Sexton, V.S. Mattay, A.K.S. Santha, K.A. Tallent, A.C. McLaughlin, J. Pekar, J. Ostuni, P. Jezzard, E.C. Wong, J.A. Frank and D.R. Weinberger, "A Study of Human Sensorimotor Areas Using Whole Brain Isotropic Functional MRI with 0.05 ML Resolution", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 21(Pt 2), 1209 (1995)
B.J. Casey, R. Trainor, J. Orendi, J. Geidd, X. Castellanos, D.C. Noll, J.D. Cohen, J. Haxby, P. Jezzard and J.L. Rapoport, "Activation of Anterior Cingulate and Prefrontal Cortex in Children During a Response Inhibition Task with Functional Magnetic Resonance (FMRI)", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 21(Pt 3), 1924 (1995)
F.A. Jaffer, H. Wen, P. Jezzard, R.S. Balaban and S.D. Wolff, "Phase Encoding Flow Compensation for Echo Planar Imaging", Radiology, 197, 389 (1995)
S.H. Düwell, S.D. Wolff, H. Wen, R.S. Balaban and P. Jezzard, "Imaging of the Human Brain at 4T - Optimization of Contrast According to Relaxation Value Measurements", Radiology, 197, 409 (1995)
F.Q. Ye, V.S. Mattay, P. Jezzard, J. Pekar, J.A. Frank and A.C. McLaughlin, "Correction for Vascular Artifacts in Arterial Spin Tagging Techniques", Proceedings of the 4th Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, New York, 1, 11 (1996)
P. Jezzard and C. Pierpaoli, "Dual Echo Navigator Approach to Minimization of Eddy Current and Motion Artifacts in Echo Planar Diffusion Imaging", Proceedings of the 4th Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, New York, 1, 189 (1996)
C. Pierpaoli, C. Baratti and P. Jezzard, "Fast Tensor Imaging of Water Diffusion Changes in Gray and White Matter Following Cardiac Arrest in Cats", Proceedings of the 4th Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, New York, 1, 314 (1996)
P. Jezzard, "Effects of B0 Magnetic Field Drift on Echo Planar Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging", Proceedings of the 4th Society of Magnetic Resonance Meeting, New York, 3, 1817 (1996)
P. Jezzard, "Effects of Static Field Drift on Echo Planar Functional MRI", 2nd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Boston, June 1996, NeuroImage, 3(3) Meeting Supplement, S30 (1996)
F.Q. Ye, V.S. Mattay, P. Jezzard, J.A. Frank and A.C. McLaughlin, "Correction for Vascular Artifacts in Cerebral Blood Flow Imaging", 2nd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Boston, June 1996,NeuroImage, 3(3) Meeting Supplement, S44 (1996)
F.M. Lalonde, P Jezzard, J.A. Weisberg, C.L. Wiggs, J.V. Haxby and A. Martin, "A Difference in fMRI Time Courses Between Areas of Increased and Decreased Neural Activity", 2nd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Boston, June 1996, NeuroImage, 3(3) Meeting Supplement, S74 (1996)
D. Corina, D. Bavelier, P. Jezzard, V. Clark, S. Padmanhaban, J. Rauschecker, A. Braun, R. Turner and H. Neville. "Processing of American Sign Language and English in Native Deaf Signers: An FMRI Study at 4 T", VIIth Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Neuropyschology (TENNET), Monteal, Brain and Cognition, 32, 100-101 (1996)
F.Q. Ye, V.S. Mattay, P. Jezzard, J.A. Frank, D.R. Weinberger and A.C. McLaughlin, "Correction for Vascular Artifacts in Arterial Spin-Tagging Techniques", Radiology, 201, 703 (1996)
P. Jezzard, A.S. Barnett and C. Pierpaoli, "Characterization of and Correction for the Effects of Eddy Current Distortion in Diffusion Imaging", Proceedings of the 5th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Vancouver, 1, 220, (1997)
A.W. Song, P. Jezzard and F.M. Lalonde, "The Effect of Slice-Selection Profile on fMRI Contrast", Proceedings of the 5th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Vancouver, 3, 1627, (1997)
D. Malonek, J.P. Rauschecker and P. Jezzard, "A Model for Functional MRI in Cat Brain", 3rd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Copenhagen, May 1997, NeuroImage, 5(4) Meeting Supplement, S429 (1997)
P. De Weerd, A. Karni, S. Kastner, L.G. Ungerleider and P. Jezzard, "An Investigation of fMRI Resolution in the Visual Cortex", 3rd International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Copenhagen, May 1997,NeuroImage, 5(4) Meeting Supplement, S45 (1997)
A. Newman, D. Corina, A. Tomann, D. Bavelier, A. Braun, V. Clark, P. Jezzard and H. Neville, "Effects of Age of Acquisition on Cortical Organization for American Sign Language: a Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 23(Pt 1), 1059 (1997)
D. Malonek, J.P. Rauschecker, A. Grinvald and P. Jezzard, "fMRI and Optical Intrinsic Signals in Cat Visual Cortex: Differences in Response Dynamics", Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 23(Pt 2), 2262 (1997)
D.-S. Kim, B. Tian, H.H. Qiu, M.P. O'Reilly, D. Malonek, P. Jezzard, J.P. Rauschecker and J.J. Pekar, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Stimulus-Motion-Induced Activation in Cat Visual Cortex", Proceedings of the 6th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Sydney, 1, 514, (1998)
P. Jezzard, K.K. Kwong, J.J.A. Marota, J.B. Mandeville and D. Malonek, "Cerebral Hemodynamic Measurements During Photic Stimulation in an Anesthetized Cat Model at 4.7 Tesla", Proceedings of the 6th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Sydney, 2, 1418, (1998)
A.W. Song, S.D. Wolff, R.S. Balaban and P. Jezzard, "The Use of Off-Resonance Saturation to Enhance fMRI Contrast", Proceedings of the 6th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Sydney, 2, 1447, (1998)
P. Jezzard, S. Kastner, A. Karni, I. Elizondo, L.G. Ungerleider and P. De Weerd, "fMRI Spatial Resolution in the Visual Cortex", Proceedings of the 6th International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Sydney, 3, 1538, (1998)
P. Figueiredo, M. Alecci and P. Jezzard, "An Evaluation of the Radiofrequency Power Deposition in MRI Perfusion Sequences at High Magnetic Field", Abstracts of the 4th Meeting of the British Chapter, International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Nottingham, B6, (1998)
P. Jezzard, "Intrinsic Magnetic Field Distortions Caused by Head Motion in Functional MRI Data Sets", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Philadelphia, 7, 1681, (1999)
S. Clare, M. Alecci and P. Jezzard, "B1 Inhomogeneity Compensation by Active Transmit Power Modulation", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Philadelphia, 7, 1976, (1999)
M. Alecci, D.A. Homfray and P. Jezzard, "RF Field Mapping of a High Field (3T) Birdcage Coil", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Philadelphia, 7, 2060, (1999)
P. Jezzard, "Non-Linear Image Distortions in Echo Planar fMRI Data Caused by Head Motions", 5th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Düsseldorf, June 1999, NeuroImage, 9, S216(1999)
M. Alecci and P. Jezzard, "The Importance of RF Field Mapping in High Field (3T) Birdcage Coils for fMRI Studies", Instituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia (INFM) Meeting, Catania, Italy, June 1999
S. Clare and P. Jezzard, "Fast T1 Mapping using Multislice EPI", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Denver, 8, 430, (2000)
M. Alecci and P. Jezzard, "Measurement of Magnetic Coupling Coefficients of TEM Resonators", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Denver, 8, 566, (2000)
M. Alecci, Y. Zhang, J.M. Brady, P. Jezzard and S. Smith, "Image-Based Evaluation of a-priori B1 Field Correction and its Effect on MRI Tissue Segmentation", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Denver, 8, 109, (2000)
M. Alecci and P. Jezzard, "Practical Design and Tesing of Single-Element TEM Resonators", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Denver, 8, 645, (2000)
M. Alecci, C.M. Collins, M.B. Smith and P. Jezzard, "B1 Field Plots for a 3 Tesla Birdcage Coil: Concordance of Experimental and Theoretical Results", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Denver, 8, 1391, (2000)
S. Clare, A. Parry and P. Jezzard, "Fast Whole Brain T1 Relaxometry in Multiple Sclerosis", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Glasgow, 9, 155, (2001)
M. Wylezinska, A. Cifelli, P. Matthews and P. Jezzard, "Thalamic Neuronal Loss in Multiple Sclerosis: A Combined Structural and Spectroscopic Study", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Glasgow, 9, 473, (2001)
M. Alecci, J.L. Wilson, P. Jezzard, W. Liu, C.M Collins, and M.B. Smith, "Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation of Detached Endcaps for Birdcage Coils", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Glasgow, 9, 1091, (2001)
M. Alecci and P. Jezzard, "Characterisation and Reduction of Eddy Currents in a TEM Resonator", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Glasgow, 9, 1134, (2001)
J. Wilson and P. Jezzard, "Fast, Fully Automated Global and Local Shimming of the Human Brain", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Glasgow, 9, 1230, (2001)
P. Figuiredo, Y. Zhang, S. Smith and P. Jezzard, "Accounting for Partial Volume Effects in Perfusion Measurements Using AST Techniques", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Glasgow,9, 1567, (2001)
M. Weiger, K.P. Pruessmann, R. Osterbauer, P. Boernert, P. Boesiger and P. Jezzard, "Sensitivity Encoded Single-Shot Spiral Imaging for Reduced Susceptibility Artifacts in BOLD fMRI", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 203, (2002)
J.L. Wilson, M. Jenkinson and P. Jezzard, "A Bit of a Mouth Full: Susceptibility Artifact Reduction Using Diamagnetic Passive Shims", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 205, (2002)
M. Wylezinska, A. Cifelli, P. Matthews, J. Palace and P. Jezzard, "Neuronal Damage in Thalamic Grey Matter in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 592, (2002)
N.P. Davies and P. Jezzard, "Selective Arterial Spin Labelling (SASL): Perfusion Territory Mapping of Selected Feeding Arteries Tagged Using Two-Dimensional RF Pulses", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 620, (2002)
P. Figuieredo, S. Clare and P. Jezzard, "Issues in Quantitative Perfusion and Arterial Transit Time Mapping Using Pulsed AST", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 623, (2002)
M. Alecci, C.M. Collins, W. Liu, M.B. Smith and P. Jezzard, "A Novel Endcap Design for Optimal RF Field Distribution of 3 Tesla Birdcage Coils", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii,10, 916, (2002)
S. Clare, P. Jezzard and P.M. Matthews, "Identification of the Myelinated Layers in Striate Cortex on High Resolution MRI at 3 Tesla", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 1465, (2002)
R.G. Wise, R. Rogers, D. Painter, P. Williams, G. Rapeport, P. Jezzard and I. Tracey, "Modulation by Breath-Holding of the Event-Related BOLD Response Induced by Painful Stimulation", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 1514, (2002)
M. Jenkinson, J. Wilson and P. Jezzard, "Perturbation Calculation of B0 Field for Non-Conducting Materials", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 10, 2325, (2002)
J.V. Byrne, H.E. Turner and P. Jezzard, "Perfusion Assessment by MRI of Pituitary Tumours at 3 Tesla", Neuroradiology,45, 119, (2003)
N.P. Davies and P. Jezzard, "Simulation of the Effects of Flow on 2D RF Pulses Used in Selective ASL", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 11, 666, (2003)
S. Clare, H. Bridge, P. Jezzard, A.J. Parker and P.M. Matthews, "Correspondence of Structuraly and Functionally Determined Human Visual Cortex", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 11, 659, (2003)
J. Wilson, M. Jenkinson and P. Jezzard, "Protocol to Determine the Optimal Intra-Oral Passive Shim for Susceptibility Minimization in Inferior Frontal Cortex", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 11, 734, (2003)
M. Wylezinska, P. Matthews and P. Jezzard, "Quantitation of GABA in Human Brain using MEGA-PRESS editing and LCM Analysis", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 11, 2120, (2003)
R.G. Nunes, P. Jezzard and S. Clare, "Assessment of the Quality of Diffusion Tensor Data for Fibre-Tracking: A Comparison Between 1. and 3.0 T", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 11, 2263, (2003)
J.T. Devlin, J. Raley, E. Tunbridge, K. Lanary, A.Floyer, C. Narain, P. Jezzard, M. Burton, D.R. Moore and P.M. Matthews, "The effect of Unilateral Hearing Loss on the Lateralisation of Human Primary Auditory Cortex", Human Brain Mapping, New York, in press (2003)
R.D. Rogers, N. Ramnani, J. Wilson, P. Jezzard, C.S. Carter and S.M. Smith, "Distinct Portions of Anterior and Ventral Cingulate Cortices are Activated During Separable Phases of Positively-Framed Decision-Making", Human Brain Mapping, New York, in press (2003)
A. Vitacolonna, G. Placidi, A. Sotgiu, P. Jezzard and M. Alleci, "Multiline Transmission Line Modelling and Experimental Testing of 3T TEM Resonators", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Kyoto, 12, 1565, (2004)
R.G. Nunes, P. Jezzard and S. Clare, "Non-Linear Motion Correction for Diffusion Imaging Using a Self-Navigated Cartesian-Based Sequence", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Kyoto, 12, 2156, (2004)
N.P. Davies and P. Jezzard, "Calibration of Gradient Propagation Delays for Accurate Two-Dimensional RF Pulses", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Kyoto, 12, 2189, (2004)
M. Wylezinska and P. Jezzard, "Simultaneous Detection of GABA, Glutamate and NAA using MEGA Editing and PRESS Localization", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Kyoto, 12, 2427, (2004)
R.G. Nunes, P. Jezzard, H. Johansen-Berg, T.E.J. Behrens and S. Clare, "An EPIK Navigation Towards High-Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Kyoto, 12, 2467, (2004)
Z. Bhagwagar, M. Arridge, F. Ashworth, A. Sule, P. Jezzard, P. Matthews and P.J. Cowen. "Persistent Dysfunction of Cortical GABA and NAA Levels in Affective Disorders". 43rd Meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, submitted (2004)
K.L. Miller, S.M. Smith, P. Jezzard and J.M. Pauly. "High resolution FMRI at 1.5T using 3D BOSS". 11th Conf. Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Toronto. submitted (2005)
R.G. Nunes, P. Jezzard and S. Clare, "An Efficient Method for Acquiring Cardiac-Gated Diffusion-Weighted Images", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 4, (2005)
C.J.Evans, M. Wylezinska, Z. Bhagwagar, F. Ashworth, P. Jezzard, P.J. Cowen and P.M. Matthews, "Comparison of Water Signal Decay and Image-Based Segmentation Techniques to Quantify MRS Voxel Composition", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 60, (2005)
P.A. Chiarelli, D.P. Bulte, R. Wise, P. Jezzard, "BOLD and CBF Sensitivites to Variable Intensity Neuronal Stimulation", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 186, (2005)
S. Clare, J. Evans, J. Wilson and P. Jezzard, "Requirements for RT Shimming of the Brain at 3 Tesla", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 412, (2005)
A. Vitacolonna, G. Placidi, A. Sotgiu, P. Jezzard, M. Alecci, "Theory of Double Tuned TEM Resonators and Workbench Validation in a Frequency Range of 100-350 MHz", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 873, (2005)
D.P. Bulte, P. Chiarelli, R.G. Wise and P. Jezzard, "Cerebral Perfusion Response to Graded Levels of Inspired Hyperoxia", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 1140, (2005)
M.M. Wylezinska, C.J. Evans, Z. Bhagwagar, F. Ashworth, P. Jezzard, P.M. Matthews and P.J. Cowen, "Altered Levels of GABA and Glutamate in Patients with Depression Detected with MEGA-PRESS Editing and LCM Analysis", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 1191, (2005)
R.G. Wise, D. Bulte, P Chiarelli, T. Tjandra, K. Pattinson, R. Rogers, I. Tracey, P.M. Matthews and P. Jezzard, "Towards the Measurement of Relative CBV Using BOLD Contrast and Mild Hypoxia", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 1491, (2005)
R.G. Nunes, I. Drobnjak, S. Clare, P. Jezzard, M. Jenkinson, "Quantitative Simulation of Affine Registration for Correction of Eddy Current Distortions in Diffusion-Weighted Images", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 2279, (2005)
K.L. Miller, S.M. Smith, P. Jezzard, J.M. Pauly, "High-Resolution fMRI at 1.5T Using 3D BOSS", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Miami, 13, 2686, (2005)
S.K. Piechnik and P. Jezzard, "Sensitivity of the Vascular Occupancy (VASO) Method Estimated Using a Multicompartmental Blood-Tissue Model", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 460, (2006)
K.L. Miller, P. Jezzard, S.M. Smith, G.C. Wiggins and C.J. Wiggins, "Characterization of SSFP fMRI Signal and Noise: A Comparison with GRE at Multiple Field Strengths ", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 664, (2006)
J.E. Schneider and P. Jezzard, "Development of a Rapid, Automated Shim Approach for Cardiac MR in Mice In Vivo", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 1177, (2006)
C.J. Evans, M. Wylezinska, Z. Bhagwagar, P. Jezzard, A. Sule, S. Selvaraj, P. Matthews and P. Cowen, "Frontal and Occipital Lobe GABA Changes in Depression, Measured with 1H-MRS", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 2072, (2006)
P.A. Chiarelli, D.P. Bulte, D. Gallichan and P. Jezzard, "Neurovascular Coupling in the Human Visual and Motor Cortices", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 2761, (2006)
P.A. Chiarelli, D.P. Bulte, S.K. Piechnik and P. Jezzard, "Sources of Systematic Bias in Hypercapnia-Based CMRO2 Estimation Using Functional MRI", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 2764, (2006)
S.K. Piechnik, P. Chiarelli and P. Jezzard, "Model of Vascular Reactivity to Investigate the Basis of Grubb's Relationship Between Cerebral Blood Flow and Volume", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 2765, (2006)
H. Devlin, J.T. Devlin, M. Woolrich, K.L. Miller and P. Jezzard, "An Efficient Method for Obtaining Subject-Specific HRF Estimates in Event-Related fMRI", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 2774, (2006)
M. Wylezinska, T.Z. Kincses, P. Jezzard, C.J. Evans and P.M. Matthews, "Local Modulation of GABA Concentration in Human Sensorimotor Cortex During Motor Learning", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 3153, (2006)
D. Gallichan and P. Jezzard, "Comparison of ASK Kinetic Curves Between Subjects and Between Brain Areas", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Seattle, 14, 3432, (2006)
K.L. Miller, D.P. Bulte, H. Devlin, M.D. Robson, R.G. Wise, M.W. Woolrich, P. Jezzard and T.E.J. Behrens, "Evidence for a Vascular Component in the Diffusion FMRI Signal: A Hypercapnia Study, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 24 (2007)
R.G. Wise, K.T.S. Pattison, D.P. Bulte, P.A. Chiarelli, S. Mayhew, G.M. Balanos, D.F. O'Connor, T. Pragnell, P.A. Robbins, I. Tracey and P. Jezzard, "Dynamic End-Tidal Forcing of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen During FMRI" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 114 (2007)
J. Xie, D. Gallichan, R. Gunn and P. Jezzard, "Optimal Design of Pulsed ASL Sampling Schedules", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 374 (2007)
D.P. Bulte, P.A. Chiarelli, R.G. Wise, D. Gallichan and P. Jezzard, "A Calibration Method for Quantitative BOLD fMRI Based on Hyperoxia" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 609 (2007)
S.K. Piechnik, P. Chiarelli, D. Bulte and P. Jezzard "Impact of ASL and BOLD Noise Thresholds and Duration of CO2 Calibration on the Estimates of Calibrated BOLD" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 610 (2007)
D.P. Bulte, P.A. Chiarelli, R.G. Wise and P. Jezzard "Measurement of Cerebral Blood Volume using Hyperoxic Contract" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 781 (2007)
S.K. Piechnik, J. Evans, L.H.A. Barry, R.G. Wise and P. Jezzard "Functional Changes in CSF Volume Estimated Using Spectroscopic Water T2 Decay Measurement", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 1926 (2007)
C.J. Evans, P. Jezzard and S. Clare "Shim Requirements for High-Order Localised Shimming of the Human Brain" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 3305 (2007)
H.N. Tijssen, P. Jezzard, D.P. Bulte and K.L. Miller, "Minimizing BOLD Contamination in VASO fMRI with SE-EPI" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 3319 (2007)
D. Gallichan and P. Jezzard "Simulating the Tagging Process in Velocity-Selective ASL" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Berlin, 15, 3488 (2007)
H. Devlin, E. Rostrup, D.P. Bulte, K.L. Miller and P. Jezzard "Intravascular vs. Extravascular Contributions to FMRI Signal Change for Visual Stimuli and Hypercapnia" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto 16, 219 (2008)
K. Drescher, P. Jezzard and D. Bulte "Hypercapnia-Based Calibration Techniques for Measurement of Cerebral Oxyten Metabolism with MRI" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto,16, 857 (2008)
S.P. Piechnik, P. Jezzard, J.V. Byrne and P.E. Summers, "Physiological Component in Background Flow Velocity in MR Phase Contrast Measurements" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 16, 2235 (2008)
D.P. Bulte and P. Jezzard, "Fast, Calibrated, Quantitative Functional MRI for Single Repeats Using Hyperoxia", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 16, 2346 (2008)
M.G. Bright, S.G. Horovitz, P. Jezzard and J.H. Duyn "Regionial Heterogeneity in Vascular Response to Respiratory Challenges as Measured with BOLD FMRI" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 16, 2347 (2008)
B.J. MacIntosh, K.T.S. Pattison, D. Gallichan, I. Ahmad, K.L. Miller, D. Feinberg and P. Jezzard "Using 3D GRADE-ASL to Measure Hypercapnic Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Arrival Time", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 16, 2348 (2008)
K.L. Mille and P. Jezzard "A Model for SSFP FMRI" Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 16, 2383 (2008)
K.L. Miller, D.P. Bulte, G. Douaud and P. Jezzard "Tissue-Dependent Asymmetries in the SSFP Off-Resonance Profile", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 16, 3068 (2008)
S.C.L. Deoni, S.C.R. Williams, P. Jezzard, J. Suckling, D.G.M. Murphy and D.K. Jones, "Standardized Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Multi-Centre Studies Using Quantitative T1 and T2 Imaging", Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Toronto, 16, 3082 (2008)
M.J. Donahue, J.U. Blicher, B.J. MacIntosh, K.L. Miller, L. Ostergaard, D.A. Feinberg, M. Guenther and P. Jezzard, “Whole-Brain Non-Invasive Hemodynamic Imaging, Enabled by a Novel CBV-Weighted Single-Shot 3D VASO-FLAIR GRASE Sequence Combined with CBF-Weighted ASL and BOLD FMRI, Identifies Regional Hemodynamic and Metabolic Discrepancies” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 14 (2009)
B.J. MacIntosh, A.C. Lindsay, I. Kylintireas, J.M. Lee, M.D. Robson, J. Kennedy, R.P. Choudhury and P. Jezzard, “3 T Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling MRI Reveals Perfusion Deficits in Patients with Minor Stroke or Transient Ischaemic Attack”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 33 (2009)
K.L. Miller and P. Jezzard, “Balanced SSFP Profile Asymmetries Detect Small Frequency Shifts in White Matter”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 181 (2009)
M.J. Donahue, H. Hoogduin, P. CM van Zijl, P. Jezzard, R.P.H. Bokkers, M.J.P. van Osch, J.J.M. Zwanenburg, P. Luyten and J. Hendrikse, “An Intra-Subject Investigation of the BOLD Contrast Mechanism in Response to Visual Stimulation and Breath Hold at 1.5T, 3.0T and 7.0T: Insight Into the Extravascular Sensitivity, Resolution-Dependence and Vascular Origins of BOLD Contrast”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 220 (2009)
K.L. Miller, P. Jezzard and S.M. Smith, “Balanced SSFP Profile Asymmetries Are Sensitive to White Matter Tract Structure”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 866 (2009)
T. Okell, M. Guenther, D.A. Feinberg and P. Jezzard, “A New Method for Selective Dynamic MRI Angiography Using Arterial Spin Labeling”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii,17, 1330 (2009)
M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, N. Filippini, M. Günther, C.E. Mackay, P. Jezzard and M.W. Woolrich, “Reliable Isolation of the Intravascular Contribution in Arterial Spin Labelling MRI”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 1511 (2009)
P. Roberts, P. Jezzard and D. Bulte, “Comparison of Breath Holding Techniques for the Calibration of FMRI Measurements of Oxygen Metabolism”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 1532 (2009)
M.J. Donahue, S.K. Piechnik, R. Tijssen, D. Gallichan, K.L. Miller and P. Jezzard, “A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Vascular-Space-Occupancy (VASO) Blood Nulling Times: Influence of Hematocrit and Oxygenation on Null Times and CBV Quantification”. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 1576 (2009)
R.H. Tijssen, M. Jenkinson, P. Jezzard and K. Miller, “Characterizing Physiological Noise in the Brainstem: Passband SSFP Vs. GRE-EPI”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 1591 (2009)
M.G. Bright, D.P. Bulte, P. Jezzard and J.H. Duyn, “An Alternative Technique for Measuring Cerebrovascular Reactivity; Comparing Cued Deep Breathing Hypocapnia with Inspiration of Carbon Dioxide”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 1634 (2009)
J. Xie, P. Jezzard, D. Gallichan, R. Gunn and S. Clare, “Adaptive Sequential Design for Optimal Scheduling of Continuous ASL Data Acquisition”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 3626 (2009)
B.J. MacIntosh, E. Sideso, M.J. Donahue, A. Bjørnerud, M. Günther, A. Handa, J. Kennedy and P. Jezzard, “Assessment of Cerebral Perfusion MRI Using Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast in Individuals with Carotid Artery Disease”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 3646 (2009)
B.J. MacIntosh, N. Filippini, M.J. Donahue, M.A. Chappell, C.E. Mackay and P. Jezzard, “What Is the Detectability of Arterial Transit Times in Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling (PASL): A Simulation and Empirical Study”. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Hawaii, 17, 3650 (2009)
M.J. Donahue, J. Near and P. Jezzard, “Cortical Hemodynamics and GABAergic Inhibition. Resting GABA Levels in Human Visual Cortex Correlate with BOLD, ASL-Measured CBF and VASO-Measured CBV Reactivity”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 127 (2010)
M.J. Donahue, H. Hoogduin, S.M. Smith, J.C. Siero, N. Petridou, P. Jezzard, P.R. Luijten and J. Hendrikse, “The Modulation of 7.0T Spontaneous Blood-Oxygenation-Level-Dependent (BOLD) Signal by the Behavioral State” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 356 (2010)
J. Near, P.J. Cowen and P. Jezzard, “GABA Editing at 3T with Macromolecule Suppression: MEGA-SPECIAL” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 372 (2010)
B.J. MacIntosh, L. Marquardt, U.G. Schulz, P.M. Rothwell and P. Jezzard, “Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI Correlates with Clinical Severity in Patients with Vertebrobasilar Artery Stenoses” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 512 (2010)
M.A. Chappell, A.R. Groves, B.J. MacIntosh, M.J. Donahue, P. Jezzard and M.W. Woolrich, “Partial Volume Correction for Perfusion Estimation from Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labelling” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 521 (2010)
M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, P. Jezzard and M.W. Woolrich, “A General Framework for the Analysis of Vessel Encoded Arterial Spin Labelling” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 675 (2010)
R.H. Tijssen, S.M. Smith, P. Jezzard, R. Frost, M. Jenkinson and K.L. Miller, “Characterization and Correction of Physiological Instabilities in 3D FMRI” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 1163 (2010)
R.G. Nunes, I. Drobnjak, S. Clare, P. Jezzard and M. Jenkinson, “Performance of Single Spin-Echo and Doubly-Refocused Diffusion-Weighted Sequences in the Presence of Eddy Current Fields with Multiple Components Compared Using Affine Registration” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 1624 (2010)
R. Frost, D.A. Porter, T. Feiweier and P. Jezzard, “Homodyne Reconstruction of Partial Fourier Readout-Segmented EPI for Diffusion Imaging” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm,18, 1625 (2010)
D.P. Bulte, M. Bright and P. Jezzard, “Normalisation of BOLD FMRI Data Between Different Baseline Conditions Using Hyperoxia” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 3418 (2010)
M.G. Bright, M.J. Donahue, D.P. Bulte, J.H. Duyn and P. Jezzard, “The Effect of Graded Hypercapnia on Arterial Cerebral Blood Volume (aCBV)-Weighted Inflow Vascular-Space Occupancy (iVASO) Contrast”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 3419 (2010)
J. Xie, P. Jezzard, L. Li, Linqing; Y. Kong, C.F Beckmann, K.L. Miller and S.M. Smith, “Identification of Resting State Networks Using Whole-Brain CASL” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 3424 (2010)
M.G. Bright, D.P. Bulte, M.J. Donahue, J.H. Duyn and P. Jezzard, “The Effects of Basal Vascular Tone on Hypercapnic and Hypocapnic Cerebrovascular Reactivity: Implications for Clinical Autoregulation Studies”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 3480 (2010)
D.P. Bulte, M. Bright and P. Jezzard, “Determination of Maximum BOLD Calibration Constant Using Hyperoxia”, Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 3483 (2010)
M.J. Donahue, B.J MacIntosh, E. Sideso, J. Kennedy and P. Jezzard, “Arterial Cerebral Blood Volume (aCBV)-Weighted Inflow Vascular-Space-Occupancy (iVASO) Provides Complementary Hemodynamic Information to Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast in Patients with Stenotic Artery Disease”. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 3485 (2010)
M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, M.J. Donahue, M. Günther, P. Jezzard and M.W. Woolrich, “Separation of Intravascular Signal in Multi-Inversion Time Arterial Spin Labelling MRI” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 4067 (2010)
T.W. Okell, M. Chappell, M. Günther and P. Jezzard, “A Comparison of 3D-GRASE and EPI for Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 4071 (2010)
M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, P. Jezzard and M.W. Woolrich, “Resolving Arterial Contributions in Vessel Encoding Dynamic Angiography” Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Stockholm, 18, 4422 (2010)
M.A. Chappell, B.J. MacIntosh, M.W. Woolrich, P. Jezzard and S.J. Payne. "Modelling Dispersion in Arterial Spin Labelling with Validation from ASL Dynamic Angiography". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 298 (2011)
M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, S.J. Payne, P. Jezzard and M.W. Woolrich. "Fast Analysis of Vessel Encoded ASL Perfusion & Angiographic Images". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 366 (2011)
J. Xie, A. Segerdahl, I. Tracey and P. Jezzard. "Simultaneous Functional & Quantitative ASL: An Optimal Tool for Imaging Ongoing Pain States". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal,19, 375 (2011)
M.G. Bright, D.P. Bulte, P. Jezzard and J.H. Duyn. "Characterizing the BOLD Response to Transient Respiratory Challenges at 7 Tesla". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 1645 (2011)
D.E. Crane, B.J. MacIntosh, E. Sideso, J. Kennedy, A. Handa, M.J. Donahue and P. Jezzard. "An Improved Quantification Method to Characterize Cerebral Hemodynamic Changes after Carotid Endarterectomy Surgery: A Dynamic Susceptibility Contract MRI Study". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 1971 (2011)
A.G. Gardener, S. Clare and P. Jezzard. "Extending the Adaptive Sequential Design (ASD) Approach for Real-Time1, Optimisation in Arterial Spin Labelling". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 2091 (2011)
L. Li, A.C. Lindsay, M.D. Robson and P. Jezzard. "Improved Motion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium (iMSDE) Prepared 3D GRASE for High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Carotid Artery Wall". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 2616 (2011)
L. Li and P. Jezzard. "Bipolar TSE & Bipolar 3D GRASE for Rapid Multi-Slice (Multi-Slab) High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisition of Carotid Artery Wall". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 2722 (2011)
T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell, U.G. Schulz and P. Jezzard. "Quantification of Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labelling Dynamic Angiography with Auto-Calibration". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 3405 (2011)
J. Near, J. Andersson, P. Cowen and P. Jezzard. "Accuracy & Reproducibility of Short-TE MRS Measurements of GABA at 3T as a Function of Linewidth & SNR". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 3440 (2011)
T.W. Okell, P. Schmitt, X. Bi, M.A. Chappell, R.H. Tijssen, K.L. Miller and P. Jezzard. "4D Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labelling Angiography". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 4034 (2011)
M.A. Chappell, M.J. Donahue, Y.K. Tee, P. Jezzard and S.J. Payne. "Quantitative Model-Based Analysis of Amide Proton Transfer MRI". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Montreal, 19, 4490 (2011)
T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell, U.G. Schulz and P. Jezzard. "A Kinetic Model for Vessel-Encoded Dynamic Angiography with Arterial Spin Labeling". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 71 (2012)
R. Frost, D.A. Porter, G. Douaud, P. Jezzard and K.L. Miller. "Reduction of Diffusion-Weighted Readout-Segmented EPI Scan Time Using a Blipped-CAIPI Modification". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 116 (2012)
L. Li, K. Miller, J. Near and P. Jezzard. "Steady-State Motion-Induced Contrast Using DANTE Pulse Trains: A Novel Approach to Black Blood Imaging". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 323 (2012)
J.A. Meakin, M.W. Little, T.W. Okell, S. Anthony, R. Uberoi and P. Jezzard. "Quantification of Skeletal Muscle Perfusion Using Velocity Selective Arterial Spin Labeling at 3T". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 444 (2012)
D. Bulte, M. Kelly, M. Germuska, J. Xie, M. Chappell, T. Okell, M. Bright and P. Jezzard. "Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging (PMRI)". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne,20, 470 (2012)
J.A. Meakin and P. Jezzard. "Impact of Eddy Currents on Quantification of Perfusion Using Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 576 (2012)
T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell and P. Jezzard. "Visualizing Artery-specific Blood Flow Patterns Above the Circle of Willis with Vessel-Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 582 (2012)
L. Li, Y. Kong, J. Brooks K. Miller and P. Jezzard. "Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Flow Suppressed Spinal Cord Functional MRI Using Multi-Slice DANTE-EPI". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 615 (2012)
M. Kelly, M. Rowland, T. Okell, M. Chappell, J. Westbrook, P. Jezzard and K. Pattinson. "Cerebral blood flow measured by pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling: a potential marker for outcome in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 1015 (2012)
S. Chundra, D. Martin, P. Sharma, R. Pathak, A. Cox, L.W. Farr, T. James and P. Jezzard. "Novel MR Fine Texture Spectroscopy Technique Enabling Visualization of Fine Structures: Fibrosis Detection in Chronic Liver Disease". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 1306 (2012)
A.G. Gardener and P. Jezzard. "Dynamic Subtraction VASO with Second Image Acquisition Allows for Combined CBV and CBF Estimation In-Vivo". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne,20, 2007 (2012)
M. Donahue, C. Stagg, J. O'Shea, P. Jezzard, L. Ostergaard, B. MacIntosh, H. Johansen-Berg and J. Blicher. "BOLD, CBF, and CBV fMRI Measurements in Chronic Stroke Patients Reveal Details of Altered Neurovascular Coupling". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 2154 (2012)
L. Li, C. Law, Y. Kong, M. Kelly J. Near and P. Jezzard. "Moving Fluid Suppressed BOLD Signals Using DANTE Prepared Multislice EPI". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 2056 (2012)
L. Li, K. Miller and P. Jezzard. "A Theoretical Framework for DANTE Prepared Pulse Trains: A Novel Approach to Motion Sensitized and Motion Suppressed Quantitative MRI". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 2384 (2012)
J. Near, S. Larkin, P. Jezzard and O. Ansorge. "Ex Vivo Identification of IDH Mutant Gliomas Using Edited Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Detection of 2HG at 9.4 Tesla". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 3186 (2012)
M.A. Chappell, T.W. Okell, B.J. MacIntosh, P. Jezzard and S.J. Payne. "Accounting for Pre-Capillary Signal in Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion Measurements". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 3512 (2012)
T.W. Okell, M.A. Chappell and P. Jezzard. "Comparison of Non-Selective and Vessel-Encoded Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling for Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 3518 (2012)
B.J. MacIntosh, M.J. Donahue, M.A. Chappell, D.E. Crane and P. Jezzard. "Evaluating Transit Time and Cerebral Blood Flow Estimates in Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling Data Among Patients with Carotid Stenosis". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 3521 (2012)
L. Li and P. Jezzard. "Comparison of DANTE Prepared Black Blood (BB) -TSE with Conventional BB Methods". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 3824 (2012)
J. Near, I. Leung, T. Claridge, P. Cowen and P. Jezzard. "Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants of the GABA Spin System". Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Melbourne, 20, 4386 (2012)