P. Jackson, N.J. Clayden, J.A. Barnes, T.A. Carpenter, L.D. Hall and P. Jezzard, "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Polymer Composites", Proceedings of the 36th International Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) Symposium, April 15th-18th, San Diego, 36, pp.246-258 (1991)
P. Jackson, N.J. Clayden, J.A. Barnes, T.A. Carpenter, L.D. Hall and P. Jezzard, "New Analytical Techniques for Advanced Polymer Composites", Proceedings of the 12th International SAMPE (Europe) Conference, Maastericht, The Netherlands, May 28th-30th 1991, Edited by A. Kwakernaak and L. Van Arkel, Elsevier, pp.277-288 (1991)
D. LeBihan, C.A. Cuenod, R. Turner, P. Jezzard, V. Bonnerot and T. Zeffiro, "Functional Imaging of the Brain by MRI", Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 1887, 120-129 (1993)
P. Jezzard and R. Turner, "Echo-Planar Imaging on the Omega for Functional Brain Mapping", Relaxation Times (Bruker Instruments, Inc), 10, 16-19 (1993)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard and F, Heineman, "Quantitative Studies of EPI BOLD Contrast with Animal Models", SMRM and SMRI Sponsored Workshop on Functional MRI of the Brain, Arlington, VA, 17th-19th June, Course Syllabus, pp.121-128 (1993)
R. Turner, P. Jezzard L. Hertz-Pannier, D, LeBihan and D. Feinberg, "Functional Neuroimaging with EPI: Sequence Issues", SMRM and SMRI Sponsored Workshop on Functional MRI of the Brain, Arlington, VA, 17th-19th June, Course Syllabus, pp.163-169 (1993)
D. LeBihan, R, Turner, T.A. Zeffiro, C.A. Cuenod, P. Jezzard and V. Bonnerot, "Activation of Human Primary Visual Cortex During Mental Imagery", SMRM and SMRI Sponsored Workshop on Functional MRI of the Brain, Arlington, VA, 17th-19th June, Course Syllabus, pp.191-196 (1993)
K.J. Friston, P. Jezzard, R.S.J. Frackowiak and R. Turner, "Characterizing Focal and Distributed Physiological Changes with MRI and PET", SMRM and SMRI Sponsored Workshop on Functional MRI of the Brain, Arlington, VA, 17th-19th June, Course Syllabus, pp.207-214 (1993)
R. Turner and P. Jezzard, "How to See the Mind: New PET and MRI Techniques", Physics World, 7(8), 29-33, August (1994)
P. Jezzard, "Cerebral Functional MRI", MRI Dialogue, no. 5, 1-15 (1996)
P. Jezzard, "Echo Planar Imaging in Human Brain Functional Magnetic Resonance Studies", Developments in Magnetic Resonance, 1(3), 69-74 (1996)
D. Bavelier, D. Corina, P. Jezzard, V. Clark, A. Karni, S. Padmanhaban, J. Rauschecker, R. Turner and H. Neville. "Sentence Reading: An FMRI Study at 4 T", VIIth Conference on Theoretical and Experimental Neuropyschology (TENNET), Monteal Brain and Cognition, 32, 165-167 (1996)
P. Jezzard, "BOLD Imaging Sequences", ISMRM Weekend Educational Syllabus, 10th ISMRM Meeting, Hawaii, May 18th-19th, pp. 556-562 (2002)
P. Jezzard, "Magnetic Resonance Safety at High Magnetic Field", IPEM Report - Current Issues in Magnetic Resonance Safety, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine, in press
P. Jezzard, "BOLD fMRI Sequences", ISMRM Weekend Educational Syllabus, 11th ISMRM Meeting, Toronto, May 10th-11th, in press (2003)