NDA Online Anaesthesia Museum
The departmental museum was collected by Richard Salt over many years, from a wide variety of sources in the UK and abroad.
The collection had never been adequately listed, so in early 1997 it was professionally catalogued by Audrey Eccles. The whole collection was then photographed by Nick White of Oxford Medical Illustration. All the photographs (about 320 images on 35mm slides) were digitised, and stored as high resolution TIFF and low resolution JPEG files.
This collection is now available to the world-wide anaesthetic community on the Internet. Please note that all of the images contained in the museum are:
- Copyright of the Nuffield Dept. of Anaesthetics, University of Oxford, UK.
Available free of charge to academic or charitable non-profit organizations. Commercial users must contact us to obtain a licence before using any of the images.
The museum is currently unavailable, but work is being undertaken to get it back online in the coming months.