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Several of our research groups have been accredited by the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF).

Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework logo

LEAF is a nationally recognised scheme designed to improve the sustainability and efficiency of laboratories.

To gain the awards, each Group was audited for the practical steps they had taken to meet several assessment criteria, including those related to the use of equipment and space, the management of samples and chemicals, ventilation, waste/recycling, and the engagement of colleagues.

These are the 2022/23 awards in NDCN:

Division of Clinical Neurology

  • Becker (Bronze)
  • Tofaris (Bronze)

MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit

  • Barron (Bronze)
  • Denison (Bronze)
  • Dupret (Bronze)
  • Sharott (Bronze)
  • Tan (Bronze)
  • Magill (Silver)

LEAF champion Camille Loiseau from the MRC BNDU will be sharing best practice with NDCN's Facilities Manager, Sally Franklin, so that sustainable lab behaviour can be rolled out across the Department.