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Sleep Staging Using Wearables and Deep Neural Networks

Conference paper

Davidson S. et al, (2023), 2023 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), 1 - 4

Non-contact physiological monitoring of post-operative patients in the intensive care unit

Journal article

Jorge J. et al, (2022), npj Digital Medicine, 5

Diagnosing hypertension in primary care: a retrospective cohort study to investigate the importance of night-time blood pressure assessment

Journal article

Armitage LC. et al, (2022), British Journal of General Practice, BJGP.2022.0160 - BJGP.2022.0160

Classifying nocturnal blood pressure patterns using photoplethysmogram features.

Conference paper

Finnegan E. et al, (2022), Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference, 2022, 3401 - 3404

Pulse arrival time as a surrogate of blood pressure.

Journal article

Finnegan E. et al, (2021), Sci Rep, 11

The presence of a circadian rhythm in pulse arrival time and its application for classifying blood pressure night-time dip.

Journal article

Finnegan E. et al, (2021), Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference, 2021, 488 - 491

A Chest Patch for Continuous Vital Sign Monitoring: Clinical Validation Study During Movement and Controlled Hypoxia

Journal article

Morgado Areia C. et al, (2021), Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23, e27547 - e27547

Day‑to‑day progression of vital‑sign circadian rhythms in the intensive care unit

Journal article

DAVIDSON S. et al, (2021), Critical Care (UK)

Non-Contact Assessment of Peripheral Artery Haemodynamics Using Infrared Video Thermography

Journal article

Jorge J. et al, (2021), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68, 276 - 288

Frailty and unplanned admissions to the intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study in the UK

Journal article

Redfern OC. et al, (2020), Intensive Care Medicine, 46, 1512 - 1513

Frailty assessment in very old intensive care patients: the Hospital Frailty Risk Score answers another question

Journal article

Redfern OC. et al, (2020), Intensive Care Medicine, 46, 1516 - 1517

Comparing Circadian Rhythms in Blood Pressure Computed From the Arterial Line and Sphygmomanometer in the ICU

Conference paper

Finnegan E. et al, (2020), 2020 COMPUTING IN CARDIOLOGY

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