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Bonnie Lam
Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Bonnie is a Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg’s Plasticity Group. She is also a Research Assistant Professor at the Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Her research focuses on how the clinical and imaging risk factors lead to cognitive changes in the aging population and in dementia. The research aims are to identify the early biomarkers and to understand the cerebrovascular dysfunctions that contribute to cognitive decline. The ultimate goal is to detect early, act early, and delay the onset of clinical symptoms in dementia.
Bonnie completed a BSc (Advanced) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia in 2010. She was awarded her PhD degree (UNSW, 2014) and was the first to illustrate the patterns of white matter changes in the different clinical subtypes of Frontotemporal Dementia.