Clive Rosenthal
Research Fellow
My research focuses on understanding the cognitive and neural operations that contribute to conscious and non-conscious learning, consolidation, and retrieval in the human brain.
This has involved studying brain activity during learning, how patterns of activity are associated with successful memory formation, and how memoranda and retrieval cues presented with and without visual awareness govern memory-guided behaviour
I use a variety of methodologies to investigate these questions: behavioural techniques that involve examining the relationship between accuracy and metacognition, neuropsychology, functional and anatomical magnetic resonance imaging (high- and ultra-high field MRI), transcranial magnetic stimulation, and lesion studies.
hippocampal amnesia
- High-field (3-Tesla) and ultra-high (7-Tesla) field MR anatomical and functional neuroimaging
One line of research that I am currently investigating is informed by how selective damage at the level of human hippocampal subfields confers a powerful unit of analysis for understanding function and dysfunction in memory.
Selected Publications
Spanò, G., Pizzamiglio, G., McCormick, C., Clark, I.A., De Felice, S., Miller, T.D., Edgin, J.O., Rosenthal, C.R.,, & Maguire, E.M. (2020). Dreaming with hippocampal damage. eLife;9:e56211
Miller, T. D., Chong, T. T.-J., Aimola Davies, A. M., Johnson, M.R., Irani, S.R., Husain, M., Ng, T.W.C., Jacob, S., Maddison, P., Kennard, C., Gowland, P., A., & Rosenthal, C.R. (2020). Human hippocampal CA3 damage disrupts both recent and remote episodic memories. eLife;9:e41836
Spanò, G., Weber, F.D., Pizzamiglio, G., McCormick, C., Miller, T.D., Rosenthal, C.R., Edgin, J.O., & Maguire, E.M. (2020). Sleeping with hippocampal damage. Current Biology, 30, 1-7.
McCormick, C., Rosenthal, C.R., Miller, T.D., & Maguire, E.A. (2018). Mind-wandering in people with hippocampal damage. Journal of Neuroscience, 38, 2745-2754.
Nantes, J., Thomas, A. G., Voets, N., Best, J., Rosenthal, C. R., Al-Diwani, A., Irani, S. & Stagg, C.J., (2018). Hippocampal functional dynamics are clinically implicated in autoimmune encephalitis with faciobrachial dystonic seizures. Frontiers in Neurology, 9:736. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2018.00736
Miller, T.D., Chong, T.T-J. Aimola Davies, A.M., Ng, T.W.C., Johnson, M.R., Irani, S.R., Vincent, A., Husain, M., Jacob, S., Maddison, P., Kennard, C., Gowland, P.A., & Rosenthal, C.R. (2017). Focal CA3 hippocampal subfield atrophy following LGI1 VGKC-complex-antibody limbic encephalitis. Brain, 140, 1212-1219.
McCormick, C., Rosenthal, C.R., Miller, T.D., & Maguire, E.A. (2017). Deciding what is possible and impossible following hippocampal damage in humans. Hippocampus, 23, 303-314.
McCormick, C., Rosenthal, C.R., Miller, T.D., & Maguire, E.A. (2016). Hippocampal damage increases deontological responses during moral decision making. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 12157–12167.
Irani, S.R., Stagg, C.J., Schott, J.M., Rosenthal, al. (2013). Faciobrachial dystonic seizures: the influence of immunotherapy on seizure control and prevention of cognitive impairment in a broadening phenotype. Brain, 136, 3151-3162.
Recent Conference Proceedings
Miller, T.D., Chong, T.T.-J., Ng, T.W.C, Aimola Davies, A. M., Johnson, M.R., Irani, S.R., Husain, M., Vincent, A., Kennard, C., Gowland, P.A., & Rosenthal, C.R. (2018). Network topology and functional connectivity in CA3-mediated autobiographical episodic amnesia. The International Conference on Learning and Memory, Surf City, CA, USA. California, USA.
Clark, I.A., Rosenthal, C.R., McCormick, C., Miller, T.D., & Maguire, E.A. (2018). Is associative memory truly impaired in patients with bilateral hippocampal damage? The International Conference on Learning and Memory, Surf City, CA, USA. California, USA.
Spano, G., Edgin, J., Rosenthal, C.R., Dalton, M.A., Pizzamiglio, G., Miller, T.D., & Maguire, E.A. (2018). Is scene construction during sleep a prerequisite for hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation? The International Conference on Learning and Memory, Surf City, CA, USA.
Miller, T.D., Gowland, P.A., Chong, T-J., Ng., T.W.C., Aimola Davies, A.M., Johnson, M.R., Irani, S.R., Vincent, A., Jacobs, S., Maddison, P., Kennard, C., & Rosenthal, C.R. (2016). CA3 subfield volume predicts anterograde autobiographical memory loss in organic amnesia. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, New York City, New York, USA.
Miller, T.D., Chong, T-J., Aimola Davies, A.M., Johnson, M.R., Irani, S.R., Gowland, P.A. & Rosenthal, C.R. (2016). CA3 lesion-mediated episodic amnesia impairs recognition memory for non-spatial discontinguous associations. International Conference on Memory, Budapest, Hungary.
Miller, T.D., Gowland, P.A., Johnson, M.R., Irani, S.R.... & Rosenthal, C. R. (2014) Retrograde amnesia following autoimmune limbic encephalitis. Association of British Neurologists Annual Meeting, Cardiff, UK.
Selected Publications
Soto, D., Sheikh, U.A., & Rosenthal, C.R. A novel framework for unconscious processing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 23, 372-376
Rosenthal, C.R. & Soto D. (2016). The anatomy of non-conscious recognition memory. Trends in Neuroscience, 39, 707 - 711.
Rosenthal, C.R. (2005). Autobiographical memory: The past imperfect. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 170-172.
Rosenthal, C.R. (2004). Rethinking implicit memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57A, 1523-1526.
Key publications
Human hippocampal CA3 damage disrupts both recent and remote episodic memories
Journal article
Miller TD. et al, (2020), eLife, 9
A novel framework for unconscious processing
Journal article
Soto D. et al, Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Focal CA3 hippocampal subfield atrophy following LGI1 VGKC-complex antibody limbic encephalitis
Journal article
Miller TD. et al, (2017), Brain, 140, 1212 - 1219
The Anatomy of Non-conscious Recognition Memory
Journal article
Rosenthal CR. and Soto D., (2016), Trends in Neurosciences, 39, 707 - 711
Learning and Recognition of a Non-conscious Sequence of Events in Human Primary Visual Cortex
Journal article
Rosenthal CR. et al, (2016), Current Biology, 26, 834 - 841
Recognizing the unconscious
Journal article
Chong TT-J. et al, (2014), Current Biology, 24, R1033 - R1035
Recent publications
Dreaming with hippocampal damage
Journal article
Spanò G. et al, (2020), eLife, 9
Human hippocampal CA3 damage disrupts both recent and remote episodic memories
Journal article
Miller TD. et al, (2020), eLife, 9
Sleeping with Hippocampal Damage
Journal article
Spanò G. et al, (2020), Current Biology
Conference paper
Miller T. et al, (2019)
Learning of goal-relevant and -irrelevant complex visual sequences in human V1
Journal article
Rosenthal CR. et al, (2018), NeuroImage, 179, 215 - 224
Consciousness, Learning, and recognition memory
- fMRI, TMS, and behavioural studies of conscious and non-conscious sequence learning.
- fMRI and behavioural studies of recognition with and without visual awareness, with a particular emphasis on interactions between early visual cortex and the medial temporal lobe.
Selected Publications
Soto, D., Sheikh, U.A., & Rosenthal, C.R. (2019). A novel framework for unconscious processing. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Volume 23, Issue 5, 372-376.
Rosenthal, C.R., Malik, I., Caballero-Gaudes, C., Sereno, M., & Soto, D. (2018). Learning of goal-relevant and goal-irrelevant complex visual sequences in human V1. NeuroImage, 179, 215-224.
Rosenthal, C.R. & Soto, D. (2016). The anatomy of non-conscious recognition memory. Trends in Neurosciences, 39, 707-711.
Rosenthal, C.R. et al.. (2016). Learning and recognition of a non-conscious sequence of events in human primary visual cortex. Current Biology, 26, 834-841.
Chong, T.T-J., Husain, M., and Rosenthal, C.R. (2014). Recognizing the unconscious. Current Biology, 24, R1033-1035.
Rosenthal, C.R., Kennard, C., and Soto, D. (2010). Visuospatial sequence learning without seeing. PLoS One, 5, e11906.
Rosenthal, C.R., Roche-Kelly, E.E., Husain, M., and Kennard, C. (2009). Response-dependent contributions of human primary motor cortex and angular gyrus to manual and perceptual sequence learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 15115-15125.
Recent Conference Proceedings
Chong, T.T-J., Husain, M., & Rosenthal, C.R. (2018). V1 and lateral occipital cortex contributions to the encoding, post-learning consolidation, and recognition of words masked from visual awareness. The International Conference on Learning and Memory, Surf City, CA, USA.
Chong, T.T-J., Husain, M., and Rosenthal, C.R. (2017). V1 and lateral occipital cortex contributions to recognition memory in the absence of awareness. Australasian Cognitive Neuroscience Society Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
Chong, T.T-J., Husain, M., and Rosenthal, C.R. (2016). The neural correlates of non-conscious recognition memory. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY, USA.
Rosenthal, C.R., Andrews, S. Miller, T.D., Kennard, C., & Soto, D. (2016) Discrete networks underlie learning to recognise conscious and non-conscious sequences of events. International Conference on Memory, Budapest, Hungary.
Rosenthal, C.R., Ng, T.W.C., Miller, T.D., Antoniades, C.A., Kennard, C..,Gowland, P.A., Soto, D. (2014). Early visual cortex interactions associated with the learning and recognition of seen and unseen sequences of events. Brain Functional Organization, Connectivity and Behaviour Workshop, Whistler, Canada.
Rosenthal, C.R., Antoniades, C.A., Kennard, C., Soto, D. (2013). Saccades do not reflect the learning and recognition of an unseen sequence of events. Neuro-Ophthalmology, 37(S1), 1–109.
Generalisation of new knowledge
- Behavioural and TMS studies of commonalities and differences between somatomotor, oculomotor, perceptual and stimulus based sequence learning and direct retrieval.
Selected Publications
Rosenthal, C.R., Roche-Kelly, E.E., Husain, M., and Kennard, C. (2009). Response-dependent contributions of human primary motor cortex and angular gyrus to manual and perceptual sequence learning. Journal of Neuroscience, 29, 15115-15125.
Rosenthal, C.R., Ng, T.W., and Kennard, C. (2013). Generalisation of new sequence knowledge depends on response modality. PLoS One, 8, e53990.
Attention and Perception
Selected Publications
Cazzoli, D., Muri, R.M., Kennard, C., and Rosenthal, C.R. (2015). The role of the right posterior parietal cortex in letter migration between words. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 377-386.
Cazzoli, D., Rosenthal, C.R., Kennard, C., Zito, G.A., Hopfner, S., Muri, R.M., and Nyffeler, T. (2015). Theta burst stimulation improves overt visual search in spatial neglect independently of attentional load. Cortex, 73, 317-329.
Soto, D., Greene, C.M., Kiyonaga, A., Rosenthal, C.R., and Egner, T. (2012). A parieto-medial temporal pathway for the strategic control over working memory biases in human visual attention. Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 17563-17571.
Rosenthal, C.R., Walsh, V., Mannan, S.K., Anderson, E.J., Hawken, M.B., and Kennard, C. (2006). Temporal dynamics of parietal cortex involvement in visual search. Neuropsychologia, 44, 731-743.
Rosenthal, C.R., Hodgson, T.L., Husain, M., and Kennard, C. (2008). Supplementary eye field contributions to the execution of saccades to remembered target locations. Progress in Brain Research, 171, 419-423.
Hodgson, T.L., Golding, C., Molyva, D., Rosenthal, C.R., and Kennard. C. (2004). Reflexive, symbolic, and affective contributions to eye movements during task switching: response selection. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 16, 318-330.