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Dr Palace is Consultant Neurologist in Oxford and runs the regional MS service and General neurology for the Banbury area.

She is Lead for the national Congenital Myasthenia service and also runs a joint National Neuromyelitis Service with the Walton Centre Liverpool.

She is a clinical lead for the UK MS risk sharing scheme study assessing the long term effects of beta-interferon and Copaxone.

On Oct 2011 she has published over 80 papers and reviews.

Awards Training and Qualifications

  • 1983 BM Honours and Clinical Distinction, SOTON
  • 1986 MRCP, SOTON
  • 1992 DM, SOTON
  • 1995 Accredited Neurology
  • 2000 FRCP

Jacqueline Palace


Consultant Neurologist and Professor of Clinical Neurology

  • Oxford Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Group

Neuromyelitus optica, multiple sclerosis and myasthenia

Research Summary

Dr. Palace leads the Oxford Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Group.  This comprises a regional clinical service and a clinical research group.  Research topics include clinical treatment trials, immunological studies, biomarkers and imaging studies on neurodegeneration and its detection and association with inflammation.  The group welcomes referrals of patients.

Sources of Funding