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Research groups

Lin Qiu

DPhil Student


I am a DPhil student at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences under the supervision of Dr Kyle Pattinson and Dr Martyn Ezra. 

My interest is the role of the brain in the action and perception of breathing. I view respiration as a unique interoceptive modality that can be voluntarily controlled by human consciousness, opening potential avenues for therapeutic interventions aimed at regulating allostasis.

The main focus of my DPhil explores functional connectivity networks (at 7 Tesla MRI) in post-COVID brains. It aims to facilitate understanding of how acute infection translates to long-term psychophysiological symptoms such as breathlessness and fatigue. 

Previously, I received undergraduate education in Psychology (Cum Laude) and my research master's degree at the Department of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. I was an Erasmus+ visiting student at the Oxford Mindfulness Center during my Master's years.