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Max Brzezicki

DPhil Candidate

Quantification of Parkinson's Disease

Max is an academic doctor and a DPhil Cadndiate in Clinical Neurosciences working within the NeuroMetrology Lab. Max’s work focuses on the objective quantification of neurological disorders, particularly Parkinsonian diseases, and the application of electrical engineering and AI in clinical practice. He trained in medicine at the University of Bristol and Oxford, where he received full scholarship from Medical School Division, and from Clarendon Foundation which recognises “best and brightest” academic achievers from top 2% of students across all disciplines, as well as grants from British Geriatric Society, Wellcome Trust and National Clinical Neurosciences Award.


Predicting future fallers in Parkinson’s disease using kinematic data over a period of 5 years
C Sotirakis, MA Brzezicki, S Patel, N Conway, JJ FitzGerald, CA. Antoniades
(2024) NPJ Digital Medicine

Identification of motor progression in Parkinson’s disease using wearable sensors and machine learning
C Sotirakis, Z Su, MA Brzezicki, N Conway, L Tarassenko, JJ FitzGerald, CA. Antoniades
(2023) NPJ Parkinson's Disease

Antiparkinsonian medication masks motor signal progression in de novo patients
MA Brzezicki, N Conway, C Sotirakis, JJ FitzGerald, CA Antoniades 
(2023) Helyon

Parkinsonism and Digital Measurement
S Patel, MA Brzezicki, ZH Su, JJ FitzGerald, CA Antoniades 
(2022) Digital Phenotyping and Mobile Sensing

Strategy Adherence: A Specific and Rapidly Progressive Deficit in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
MA Brzezicki, M Bogdanovic, T Buchanan, JJ FitzGerald, CA Antoniades
(2021) Movement Disorders (Clinical Practice)

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