Maria Assuncao Tuna
Senior Clinical Research Fellow
My main research project focuses on diagnosis, investigation and prognosis of typical and atypical transient ischaemic attacks and other transient neurological symptoms.
Recent publications
Age-specific cerebral haemodynamic effects of early blood pressure lowering after TIA and non-disabling stroke
Journal article
MAZZUCCO S. et al, (2021), European Stroke Journal
Risks of recurrent stroke and all serious vascular events after spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage: pooled analyses of two population-based studies
Journal article
Li L. et al, (2021), The Lancet Neurology, 20, 437 - 447
Diagnosis of non-consensus transient ischaemic attacks with focal, negative, and non-progressive symptoms: population-based validation by investigation and prognosis
Journal article
Tuna MA. and Rothwell PM., (2021), The Lancet, 397, 902 - 912
Time trends, frequency, characteristics and prognosis of short-duration transient global amnesia.
Journal article
Romoli M. et al, (2020), European journal of neurology
Effect of coexisting vascular disease on long-term risk of recurrent events after TIA or stroke.
Journal article
Boulanger M. et al, (2019), Neurology, 93, e695 - e707