Contact information
Olaf Ansorge
Associate Professor
Recent publications
A single nuclear transcriptomic characterisation of mechanisms responsible for impaired angiogenesis and blood-brain barrier function in Alzheimer's disease.
Journal article
Tsartsalis S. et al, (2024), Nat Commun, 15
Research Protocol : Putting the Person in the PICTuRE - Personalised Informed Consent in TissUe donation for Research lived Experiences
Mawhinney G. et al, (2024)
Betz cells of the primary motor cortex.
Journal article
Nolan M. et al, (2024), J Comp Neurol, 532
Protocol for tissue processing and paraffin embedding of mouse brains following ex vivo MRI
Journal article
Smart A. et al, (2023), STAR Protocols, 4, 102681 - 102681
Deep topographic proteomics of a human brain tumour
Journal article
Davis S. et al, (2023), Nature Communications