Yuriko Suzuki
Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow
Research overview
My research focuses on the development of novel non-invasive dynamic MR Angiography (MRA) techniques using Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) MRI. ASL enables the visualization of arterial flow by labelling the magnetization of arterial blood using radiofrequency (RF) pulses. The labelled arterial blood acts as an endogenous tracer, allowing ASL to be used for dynamic MRA without relying on the use of contrast agents. Although such non-invasive ASL-based dynamic MRA is not considered a complete replacement for X-ray Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) at the moment, many technological innovations have been proposed in the last decade, aiming at providing a non-invasive and non-contrast-enhanced alternative examination. The use of ASL for dynamic MRA gives further potential and advantages over the contrast-enhanced (CE) dynamic MRA. The most important advantage of ASL-based dynamic MRA is the ability to achieve vessel-selective visualization, in which the vascular tree originating from a selected artery can be exclusively visualized by spatially selective labelling. Such vessel-selective visualization is an important requirement as a potential alternative technique to X-ray DSA for diagnostic purpose, which is not achieved by any other MRA methods. Additionally, ASL-based dynamic MRA can achieve both higher spatial and temporal resolution than CE dynamic MRA.
Key publications
Acceleration of ASL-based time-resolved MR angiography by acquisition of control and labeled images in the same shot (ACTRESS)
Journal article
Suzuki Y. et al, (2018), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79, 224 - 233
Simultaneous acquisition of perfusion image and dynamic MR angiography using time-encoded pseudo-continuous ASL
Journal article
Suzuki Y. et al, (2018), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 79, 2676 - 2684
Optimization of the spatial modulation function of vessel-encoded pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling and its application to dynamic angiography
Journal article
Suzuki Y. et al, (2019), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 81, 410 - 423
A framework for motion correction of background suppressed arterial spin labeling perfusion images acquired with simultaneous multi‐slice EPI
Journal article
Suzuki Y. et al, (2019), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 81, 1553 - 1565
Acceleration of vessel-selective dynamic MR Angiography by pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling in combination with Acquisition of ConTRol and labEled images in the Same Shot (ACTRESS)
Journal article
Suzuki Y. et al, (2019), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 81, 2995 - 3006
Recent publications
Improved visualization of intracranial distal arteries with multiple 2D slice dynamic ASL-MRA and super-resolution convolutional neural network.
Journal article
Suzuki Y. et al, (2024), Magn Reson Med
Recommendations for quantitative cerebral perfusion MRI using multi‐timepoint arterial spin labeling: Acquisition, quantification, and clinical applications
Journal article
Woods JG. et al, (2024), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
ASL lexicon and reporting recommendations: A consensus report from the ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI).
Journal article
Suzuki Y. et al, (2023), Magn Reson Med
The road to the ISMRM OSIPI: A community-led initiative for reproducible perfusion MRI.
Journal article
Bell LC. et al, (2023), Magn Reson Med
Recent technical developments in ASL: A Review of the State of the Art
Journal article
Hernandez-Garcia L. et al, (2022), Magnetic Resonance in Medicine