Year 5 Clinical Neurosciences Rotation
The Brain and Behaviour rotation incorporates core elements of the Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences modules, reflecting the clear complementarity between the respective specialties and meeting the expectations outlined in the GMC Outcomes for Graduates document.
This neuro-psychiatry experience features alongside a humanities thread focusing on key aspects of medical professionalism and is based on the report entitled ‘Advancing Medical Professionalism’ published by the Royal College of Physicians.
At the start of each course, all students are exposed to key neurological concepts in the form of seminars and small group teaching (which will include expert patient tutor sessions).
Students then rotate through two-week clinical experiences in Clinical Neurosciences and Psychiatry. During the clinical rotation weeks, Fridays are reserved for subspecialty teaching/experiences (mornings) and interactive humanities sessions focusing on various aspects of medical professionalism (afternoons). Clinical tutorials are provided throughout the rotation.