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Dr. Yazhuo Kong

Dr. Yazhuo Kong

75th descendant of Confucius!  

B.Eng: University of Science and Technology of China

Ph.D: University of Sheffield

I have moved to Beijing since 2017 as PI of the Lab for Intergrative Neuroimaging of Pain (LINIP) , Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Joe Yazhuo Kong


Honorary Research Fellow

  • Pain Neuroimaging analysis

Pain neuroscience, spinal cord MRI, neuropathic pain, neurodegeneration diseases

spinal MRI

Quantitative spinal cord MRI

I obtained my PhD from the Department of Psychology and Department of Automatic Control and System Engineering, University of Sheffield, with a joint and interdisciplinary project of haemodynamic response modelling in neuroimaging analysis. I focused on spinal cord imaging after I moved to the FMRIB centre, University of Oxford. Since 2017, I started my own group, Lab for Integrative NeuroImaging of Pain (LINIP), at the Institution of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The team primarily focuses on studies to reveal the complex somatosensory neural mechanisms of the cortico-spinal neural circuits involved in pain perception, cognition and modulation, and develop pain relief strategies for neuropathic pain.

I have published a series of high-impact papers in top-tier biomedical and neuroscience journals, such as Brain, PNAS, Journal of Neuroscience, NeuroImage, Cerebral Cortex, Human Brain Mapping etc, and obtained multiple patents and software copyrights.

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