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On John radcliffe hospital site

OUH Security Services operates 24/7. They monitor the site via CCTV and regular patrols and also provide support and assistance with intruder alarms, crime reduction advice and parking.

On University sites

Oxford University Security Services (OUSS) operates 24/7 providing support and assistance to staff, students and visitors for University-owned premises (Old Road Campus and town centre University buildings).

Emergency contact numbers

​Cardiac arrest 2222
​Fire calls

Press call point if a fire is in progress


Facilities Manager/ on-call 07521 161549 (24 hr)
Emergency Security JRH

Emergency (24 hr) 4444

01865 857 727

OUSS (town centre and Old Road campus)

01865 272 944

Emergency (24 hr) on 01865 289 999

Essential information

Emergency action notice

Cycle Security

Get safe online

Oxford Information Security

Oxford security news

Oxford City Council Core Strategy 2011-2026