The SEND project (System for Electronic Notification and Documentation) is a collaboration between the Oxford University Hopsitals NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Oxford Departments of Engineering and Clinical Neurosciences. It is led by Intensive Care Consultant Dr Peter Watkinson.
On 24 February Dr Mark Porter interviewed Dr Pete Watkinson on BBC Radio 4's Inside Health (23:44 on clock) about the project, which replaces traditional paper bedside charts with tablet computers.
The SEND system is currently being used in everyday clinical practice within the Churchill Hospital, the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre and the Horton General Hospital. SEND is being rolled-out at the John Radcliffe Hospital and deployment is due to be completed in April 2016.
The computers also issue warnings if data from observations are outside safe limits. When patients are referred for possible intensive care, teams can check charts immediately.