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The Critical Care Research Group undertakes a number of studies that are adopted by the NIHR local research network portfolio.


Contact the research network portfolio study team

The research team for NIHR network portfolio studies running in the adult ICU (Oxford) can be contacted by email on: ICU CLRN

For more detail on LCRN portfolio studies please see below:


A Stop 


ISOC 1 & 2 The Intensive Care Study of Coagulopathy-2: A prospective cross-sectional observational study of haemostatic testing in patients admitted to adult critical care with prolongation of prothrombin time and receiving transfusions of plasma.

GaINs: A multi-centre, UK based, genomic association study of the genetic determinants of the susceptibility to, and outcome from severe life-threatening infection and sepsis

Measuring oxygen consumption: An assessment of the practicality of in-line gas analysis for carbon dioxide, oxygen and water vapour in the settings of cardiopulmonary exercise testing, anaesthesia and intensive care

Multi-stem cell therapy for patients with ARDSA study to examine the safety (and potential efficacy) of the adult stem cell investigational product, MultiStem, in adults who have AcuteRespiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The primary hypothesis is that MultiStem will be safe in ARDS patients.

Non-contact vital signs monitoring: A single-site study investigating the feasibility of monitoring patient vital signs in the intensive care unit.

Oxygen consumption


Rescue-ASDH: Study focused on adult head injured patients who require an operation to evacuate an acute sub-dural heamatoma

REST : pRotective vEntilation with veno-venouS lung assisT in respiratory failure (The REST Trial)

Sepsis Immunomics/GAinS 2

SILENCE: The SILENCE Programme is a series of studies designed to lower noise levels, improve sleep hygiene, and ultimately reduce the incidence of ICU-acquired delirium.



COVID research:

REMAP CAP COVID Clinical Trial