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GSR is used by graduate students, supervisors, college advisors and course directors/DGSs to review students' academic progress.

Each term, students use GSR to complete a self-assessment report on their academic progress, and raise any concerns or issues regarding their academic progress. PGR students can submit their completed Divisional Training Needs Analysis forms in GSR and will also be asked to complete a report during the Long Vacation (summer).

Students are encouraged to use the opportunity to:

  • Measure their progress against the timetable and requirements of their programme of study
  • Submit a completed Divisional Training Needs Analysis form at least annually (PGR only)
  • List their engagement with the academic community
  • Raise concerns or issues regarding their academic progress to their supervisor
  • Outline their plans for the next term (where applicable)

All enrolled graduate students are automatically given access to GSR in Student Self Service