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Delivery Point Codes

When raising a requisition in R12 you will need to select a valid NDCN Delivery Point Code, which will appear on the final Purchase Order (PO) set the address the goods will be sent to by the supplier.

When you were set up with Shopper Access you will have been allocated a Delivery Point Code which will be used by default on all your orders, but you can change this on an order-by-order basis if you need to arrange delivery to another site within NDCN on a one-off basis.

If you're making an order to an NDCN Delivery Point code where you are not usually based then it is a good idea to make sure that someone at that site is aware the goods are coming so that the local Facilities Team can correctly store and/or distribute them for you. 

It is important that you only use NDCN Delivery Point Codes (beginning "HM") for your NDCN Orders, please do not use those belonging to other departments. If you do need to have goods sent direct to another department please contact us at NDCN Orders to discuss the best way to arrange this.

NDCN Delivery points currently in Active use

HM01 - for West Wing orders              

John Radcliffe Industrial Block,

University of Oxford,

For NDCN, West Wing, Level 6,

John Radcliffe Hospital,

Oxford, OX3 9DU


HM02 - for WIMM orders

John Radcliffe Industrial Block for WIMM,

University of Oxford, WIMM Room 349,

Nuffield Dept of Clinical Neurosciences,

Oxford, OX3 9DS


HM03 - for FMRIB orders

FMRIB Centre,

University of Oxford,

Nuffield Department for Clinical Neurosciences,

John Radcliffe Hospital,

Oxford, OX3 9DU


HM24 - for Tinsley Building orders

Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences,

University of Oxford,

Tinsley Building,

Oxford, OX1 3SR


HM25 - for Wolfson orders

Wolfson Building,

University of Oxford,

Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences,

Oxford, OX3 9DU


HM26 - for BSB (South Parks Rd) orders, Lerch Group

Lerch Group for NDCN, Biomedical Services,

University of Oxford,

Mansfield Road

Oxford, OX1 3TA


HM27 - for DPAG orders

Clinical Neurosciences (NDCN) for DPAG,

University of Oxford, Sherrington Building,

Parks Road,

Oxford, OX1 3PT


HM28 - for BNDU orders

MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit for NDCN,

University of Oxford,

Mansfield Road,

Oxford, OX1 3TH


HM29 - for Chemistry Lab orders

Clinical Neurosciences c/o Chemistry Research Lab,

University of Oxford,

Mansfield Road,

Oxford, OX1 3TA


HM30 - for Biochemistry II orders

Biochemistry Dept Stores for NDCN,

University of Oxford,

South Parks Road,

Oxford, OX1 3QU


HM31 - for West Wing/WIMM Radiation orders

Radioactive Safe Industrial Block – NDCN,

University of Oxford,

John Radcliffe Hospital,

Nuffield Dept of Clinical Neurosciences,

Oxford, OX3 9DU


HM32 - for Inst. of Biomedical Engineering orders

Inst. of Biomedical Engineering for NDCN,

University of Oxford,

Old Road Campus Research Building

Off Roosevelt Drive

Oxford, OX3 7DQ


HM33 - for BSB (South Parks Rd) orders, Neural Injury Group

Neural Injury Group for NDCN, BNU, Biomedical Services,

University of Oxford,

Mansfield Road

Oxford, OX1 3TA


There are a number of other Delivery Point Codes for NDCN that remain on the system but for one reason or another are not currently used. If you do find you need to use one of these Delivery Point Codes for an order please contact us at NDCN Orders so that we can advise on the best way to go about this.

Changing your default delivery point code

If your primary working location within NDCN changes then it is a good idea to change your default Delivery Point Code to match. This will mean that you don't have to remember to manually change it for each and every order and so will reduce the chances of your order mistakenly being delivered to the wrong site within NDCN.

You can make this change using the following steps:

•             Log in to R12 and select the iProcurement module from the menu to get to the main shopping page

•             Click on “Preferences” in the top right hand corner of the screen

•             Select “iProcurement Preferences” from the menu on the left hand side

•             In the Delivery section you will see your name as the requester and beneath that “Deliver-To Location”

•             Change the Deliver-To Location to the code needed and then Apply the changes