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Purchasing Office Supplies

The University of Oxford has recently completed the process of appointing a new Preferred Supplier for Office Supplies. As of 18 March 2024, our previous Preferred Supplier “Office Depot” have been replaced by “Lyreco (UK) Limited” so this should be the main source of Office Supplies orders from this date forward.

It is hoped that in the future we will have a Punchout for Lyreco, but for the time being they are set up as a Hosted Catalogue Supplier in R12 in the same way that Office Depot were. This means that you would place your orders in the same way, searching the R12 catalogue by product numbers then adding items to your cart to checkout.

You can search the Lyreco product catalogue by visiting the Lyreco website at the link below. There is also a University of Oxford username and login, which you can request by emailing NDCN Orders directly. This will help you find available products, their catalogue numbers and University pricing.

Please note that this is a generic University-wide Login so you must not attempt to change or reset the password or any other account details. These details are for internal use only, so must not be shared outside of the University of Oxford

This website is for searching for items and prices only. All orders must still be raised as a Purchase Order on R12 so do not add items to the website basket or attempt to checkout through this site.

When raising your requisition in R12 please make sure to search our system by the Lyreco catalogue number first, to see if this is a hosted catalogue item. Only if that is not the case should you raise it as a non-catalogue order.

When searching for Lyreco items in the R12 Hosted Catalogue please make sure to enter the catalogue number without any spaces or decimal points. For example, item “3.872.627” on the website becomes “3872627” in R12. If you search with the decimal points you will not get any results in R12 for your search.

If for any reason you need to contact Lyreco regarding your orders then in the first instance you should get in touch with their customer services team on or call 08000 858585. If an issue needs to be escalated beyond this then our dedicated account manager is Steve Jones who is available at or 07884 078476.