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Charlie, Magda and Emily present at the brain stim conference in Germany

Magda Nowak (DPhil Student) and Emily Hinson (Research Assistant and incoming DPhil student) were both accepted to present posters at the 6th International Conference on Transcranial Brain Stimulation in Göettingen in September.  Additionally, Charlie Stagg was asked to give a talk as part of the "tDCS/tACS – What is stimulated?" section of the conference.

Charlie's talk was titled "Combining tCS with MR – novel insights into the mechanisms underlying plasticity in humans" and featured some new results combining tACS with 3T MRI which are currently being prepared for publication.

Magda's poster ("Duration-dependent online effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) on motor cortical excitability") was selected as one of the top 100 abstracts for the conference, and she received a travel grant from the organising committee to cover expenses during the trip.

Emily presented her poster ("Modulating motor learning using cathodal tDCS") at her first international conference.


More information on the conference can be found here.