PiNG Representation at BNA 2019
The British Neuroscience Association Festival of Neuroscience 2019 took place in Dublin, Ireland on April 14-17th in partnership with Neuroscience Ireland and the British Society for Neuroendocrinology. Three PiNG Group members presented posters at the conference, joined by other members of the PiNG group, Neuroplastics Collaborative Network and students from the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging.
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Emily Hinson presented a pre-registration poster entitled "Studying the relationship between motor learning and mri/tms measures in stroke survivors"
Caroline Nettekoven presented her poster: "Motor cortex neurotransmitters relate to retention, but not adaptation in a visuomotor rotation task"
Ioana Grigoras presented her MSc project data: "Impaired motor learning after administration of a clinically relevant single dose of baclofen"