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Sadia Ahmad

MS Clinical Trials Administrator

Parimah Ahmadi

Postdoctoral Researcher

Setareh Alabaf

DPhil Student

Mosab Ali Awadelkareem

Postdoctoral Neuroscientist

Harindra Amarasinghe

Postdoctoral Researcher

Olaf Ansorge

Associate Professor

Chrystalina Antoniades

A/Professor of Clinical Neuroscience

Ana Aragon Gonzalez

Mohammad Ashraghi

Clinical Research Fellow

Jonathan Attwood

MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow

Aimee Avery

Research Assistant

Subita Balaram

Research Scientist

Suneale Banerji

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Allison Barry

Academic Visitor

Georgios Baskozos

Associate Professor

Esther Becker

Professor of Translational Neuroscience

David Beeson

Emeritus Professor

Roberto Bellanti

MRC Clinical Research Fellow

David Bennett

Professor of Neurology and Neurobiology

David Berhanu

Research Fellow

Taniya Bhardwaj

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Sophie Binks

Clinical Lecturer

Rowan Board

Research Assistant

Sara Bolivar Martin

Postdoctoral Researcher

Tamiris Borges da Silva

Postdoctoral Research Scientist

Hannah Brooks

Brain Matrix Trial Research Assistant

Max Brzezicki

DPhil Candidate

Laura Buchanan

Research Assistant

Zameel Cader

Director of the Oxford Headache Centre and Director of StemBANCC

Emily Carroll

Post-doctoral Researcher

Christos Chalitsios

Postdoctoral Researcher in Epidemiology and Data Science

Pao-Sheng Chang

Postdoctoral Researcher

Yin Cheng

DPhil Student

Hung-Ju Chueh

Dphil Student

Livia Civitelli

Research fellow in Molecular Neuroscience

Jonathan Cleaver

Clinical Research Fellow

Bethan Cole

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Jodie Collingridge

DPhil Student

Maddalena Comini

Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Stipendiary Lecturer, Junior Research Fellow

Brenda Cooley

Project Coordinator/Administrator

Navin Cooray

Post-doctoral Research Assistant in Parkinson's Digital Health

Max Crane

DPhil Student

Ellie Crispin

Research Assistant

Brian Cutler

DPhil Student

Aminette D'Souza

Postdoctoral Researcher

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